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1987 VL Wagon (project)

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1987 VL Wagon (project) Empty 1987 VL Wagon (project)

Post by 09WNS/14BRK Thu Oct 30, 2008 10:56 am

this project has been in the waiting for ages LOL
plan is to do it up as a Peter Brock Tribute
wanted a Walkinshaw style body kit
now want a HDT AREO style body kit
here are pics from when we 1st got it January 2007 LOL

1987 VL Wagon (project) 001

1987 VL Wagon (project) 002

1987 VL Wagon (project) 003

1987 VL Wagon (project) 004

rims on it then (and still)
1987 VL Wagon (project) 005

Number of posts : 799
Location : Molendinar, Gold Coast, QLD
Registration date : 2008-03-07

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1987 VL Wagon (project) Empty Re: 1987 VL Wagon (project)

Post by 09WNS/14BRK Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:22 pm

no longer have this
so this topic is now CLOSED

Number of posts : 799
Location : Molendinar, Gold Coast, QLD
Registration date : 2008-03-07

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